Affiliated Websites



What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How do you know if you're really saved? What does it actually mean to be saved? There are so many questions that surround the salvation-based teachings of Jesus Christ. This is the Gospel is dedicated to presenting a simple, biblically-based view of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  


The Christ life is a focused pursuit to be with God relationally, recognizing Jesus as your life, and trusting Him to live His life through you. It’s called different things in different circles. Some people call it the exchanged life or the relational life. Some people call it your new life in Christ, grace walk, liberated living, or even the normal Christian life. Regardless of what it’s called, you can recognize it in conversation through familiar statements. Christianity is not about doing; it’s about being. Christianity is not religion; it’s relationship.


Life Action Ministries is on a mission! With a single-minded focus to see God glorified through a revival among His people, their purpose has carried their ministry for over three decades of work alongside the churches of our nation. Life Action Ministries is the largest revival ministry in North America, providing great resources and ministries. 


Guard yourself and your loved ones with Internet Accountability and Filtering. Sign up today. The first month of Covenant Eyes is free.  


2ProphetU is a FREE online ministry resource developed by Dr. Michael Catt and Dr. Warren Wiersbe. This is the only website in which Dr. Wiersbe is involved, and you will be blessed by this preacher who has been called “the pastor’s pastor.” Subscription to 2ProphetU contains access to articles, quotes, sermon ideas and much more.

Ron Dunn

Ron Dunn began preaching revival meetings when he was 15 and was pastor of his first church at age 17. A native of Poteau, Okla., he was the author of several books, including Any Christian Can, Don't Just Stand There Pray Something, When Heaven is Silent, and Surviving Friendly Fire.

Vance Havner

Dr. Vance Havner was a revivalist. He authored nearly forty books during his ministry. His unique style has impacted thousands of God's people through the years and he is considered by many to be the most quoted preacher of the 20th century.


Biblical Counseling

The Albany Biblical Counseling Center was founded in April of 2007 for personal, couple, and family counseling. Individuals are counseled to help them deal with their challenges and crises from a biblical perspective. The counselors are focused on pointing individuals and families to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. It is our goal to teach and disciple individuals to be biblical in their response to life expectations and relationship challenges.

Source Cafe Order Online

Sherwood Church provides a cafe that's just the right place for coffee or lunch. It's a great place for food and fellowship! Additionally, there is a quiet zone for study or casual business meetings in the adjacent Source Bookstore. Enjoy free Wi-Fi and remarkable service in a uniquely pleasant atmosphere. The 2-story indoor playground is open for toddlers through 5th grade. Select the button below to place an order in advance of your arrival.

Sherwood Bookstore

Sherwood Bookstore has a collection of many online resources including messages, books, movies, music, and authors.